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Winter Compose with Dice

Winter Compose with Dice

Regular price $4.40 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.40 USD
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 Music Composing Activity for Piano | January Composition Game

Looking for a quick, fun, creative music activity for those chilly winter months? Try this composing activity with your piano students!

Compose With Dice is a print-and-go composition activity with a winter theme. Guided creativity takes away any intimidation about composing while reinforcing notes on the staff.

Cute lyrics bring the songs to life. Included worksheets allow students to feel confident drawing notes, even if they've never composed a song before.

Songs are 8 measures long and playable at a primary or elementary level. This activity works great for a single student in a private piano lessons, or in a group setting such as classroom centers, or a music class, composition workshop, or studio game party!

Perfect for December, January, February, or March music lessons. Fits into a snow, snowman, penguin, snow day, snow fort, or hot cocoa theme.

Included in This Resource:

  • A total of 8 composing activity pages (color and black & white)
  • A scale cheat sheet (color and black & white)
  • A total of 10 note writing worksheets (color and black & white)
  • You will need one die

Music Concepts Covered in This Resource:

  • C pentascale composing
  • G pentascale composing
  • D pentascale composing
  • A pentascale composing
  • F pentascale composing
  • Drawing notes on the staff
  • Major pentascales (with included sharps or flats)
  • Stem direction
  • Rhythms in 4/4 time

Save 25% with the Year-Round Compose with Dice Bundle!


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