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Beginning Piano Note Charts

Beginning Piano Note Charts

Regular price $4.95 USD
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Primer Level Cheat Sheets | Middle C to C Scale

Primer Level Note Charts are a great way to build confident note readers from their first note on the staff to learning the ten notes of the C Scale.
With progressive charts starting with just Middle C to Middle C Position to C Pentascale (5-finger scale), students will master each new note before moving on.
"Name the note" pages as well as "Draw the note" pages are also included.

This product includes a lifetime license for use by a single teacher. This means you can print this pack over and over for a resource that keeps giving for years to come.

What's included in this Note Chart pack?
This pack contains 10 progressive Note Charts (or Cheat Sheets) for piano students just learning their first notes on the staff.

- Table of Contents
- 10 Note Charts
- 4 Fill in the Note Name pages
- 3 You Draw the Notes pages
NOTES FEATURED within the charts (in the order they are introduced):
- Middle C4 (treble & bass)
- D4 (treble)
- B3 (bass)
- E4 (treble)
- A3 (bass)
- G4 (treble)
- F3 (bass)
- C3 (bass)
- D3 (bass)
- E3 (bass)

Why this order of notes?
The order of note introduction on these sheets follows the note introduction order of the WunderKeys Primer Books. You can, however, still utilize these sheets with any method!

How does the lifetime license work?
You may print and reprint this pack for any student who passes through your studio! Purchase of this product is for a single-studio or single-classroom license. Please reuse it for all of your students as you choose. But you may not share it online or with another teacher.
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